The key to good health and reducing obesity is physical activity. Being moderately active at least twice a week lowers the risk of stroke and high blood pressure, it also improves aerobic fitness and mental health.
For adults, physical activity improves cognitive function, reduces arthritis symptoms and prevents weight gain. For healthy aging activity improves balance and joint mobility, prevents bone and muscle loss and extends years of life.
The state of Indiana ranks 8th in adult obesity and Knox county reports a 31.7% adult obesity while Indiana’s average is 31.4%.
If we come together as a community to fund and use this equipment we can all benefit from a healthy lifestyle. According to the CDC improving and promoting parks can improve individual and community health and result in a 25% increase of residents who exercise three times a week.
So let’s get moving!
Below is a list of equipment we will be installing into Lester Square, all equipment includes a QR code that when scanned will give instructions on how to use the machines.